What Basic Adult Goalkeeper Skills are Needed?
Adult goalkeepers need to be athletic, smart, quick, agile and good with their hands. Goalkeeping is a position that requires a lot of skill so it’s important to make sure you have the skills needed before you try out for the position. Adult goalkeeping skills are pretty much the same as youth goalkeeping skills, however, some skills maybe harder to develop and maintain as an adult. In this blog we will cover some of the basic skills every adult goalkeeper needs in order to succeed.
Great Reflexes
A goalkeeper’s job is to keep the ball out of the net. You need to be quick on your feet and have great reflexes. Goalkeepers need to be agile in order to make a save. They also need to have good reflexes and fast reactions so that they can stop shots. Shots can come at goalies from distance or extremely close range. Oftentimes there is not enough time to prepare for the shot and the goalkeeper must rely solely on reflexes. Goalkeepers must always be ready for an unexpected shot because they never know when one might come their way.
Reflexes are one of the most important goalkeeper skills (if not the most) but a great reflexive save will all depend on their positioning and reading of angles. Goalkeepers must make sure they are in the best position at all times. Even when a threat does not seem obvious. The only thing that matters is the ball at this point. If you are not in position, it doesn’t matter how quick your reflexes are or how well you control the ball. If you can’t get there quickly enough you won’t make the stop.
Some ways a goalkeepers should be in good position include:
- A goalkeeper’s stance needs to be comfortable and balanced to make accurate saves.
- The head should be on line with the feet, elbows should be bent, and hands should be extended by the body to provide balance.
- Keep your eye on the ball. This will help you know when to jump or not and make a save, whether it be from close range or from a distance.
- Goalkeeper must be setup in the best possible angle to make the shot as hard as possible. In other words they should make the net look as small as possible for attacking players.
Reading the Game Goalkeeper Skill
Quality adult goalkeepers must be able to read the game and make quick decisions in order to stop the ball from going in. They can also use this information to create opportunities for the offence. The goalkeeper has a unique perspective on the game. They can see every player in front of them and must use this information to control their defenders. They are always watching, analyzing and anticipating what will happen next.
Communication – An Often Overlooked Goalkeeper Skill
Communication is an important skill for any soccer player on the field. Goalkeepers are no exception. This skill is often overlooked and undervalued. Goalkeepers have to be able to effectively communicate with their teammates in order to make sure that they provide cover and protection for the back line and that they can effectively communicate with their defenders when it comes to clearing the ball, taking a corner, back pass or goal kick. Goalkeepers are responsible for controlling the back line. In order to do this effectively, they need to be able to effectively communicate with their back line throughout the entire match.
Diving (and Getting Back Up)
Diving is an important skill for goalkeepers. It is also one of the most dangerous skills in soccer. Goalkeepers will often dive to protect their goal from an attacking player, but if they don’t get up quickly enough or protect themselves adequately, they may be at risk for injury.
The ability to dive and get back up quickly is important for any goalkeeper. If you are diving and you can’t get back up, then the attacking player can take advantage and score a goal.
Goalkeepers need to be able to make split-second decisions on whether or not they should dive in order to protect their goal from an attacking player. They also need to be able to get back up quickly after a successful save so that they are ready for the next attack at any moment.
This skill is extremely harder to develop and maintain as adult goalkeepers advance in their years. It is commonly noted by older players that the problem is not the diving but the getting back up 🙂
Strong Goalie Hands
Goalkeepers need to have strong hands and wrists in order to make the save. They need to be able to catch the ball and control it with their hands to prevent rebounds. This limits the amount of second chances for their opponents. Goalkeepers also need to be able to deal with shots that are close, or even on their body, which requires a firm grip and quick reflexes. Strong wrists are crucial for saves that require an extension of their body and ensure power shots can be blocked or deflected.
Strong Feet & Legs
Goalkeeping requires a lot of leg strength and agility. A good goalkeeper needs to be able to stop shots from a variety of angles and distances. In order to do this, goalkeepers need strong legs and quick reflexes in addition to their strong hands. This may not seem obvious at first but goalkeepers need strong feet and legs to stop attackers. Additionally, strong legs also generate powerful and accurate clearances from the penalty box.
Goalkeepers need to be able to clear the ball away from danger as quickly as possible. Clearing the ball can be done with either feet or hands depending on what is more appropriate for the situation. But most goalkeepers prefer to use their feet because it gives them more control and range over where they kick the ball. This is important if they want to keep possession or if players nearby may have too much pressure if a ball is passed in their direction.
The Importance of Off-Season Goalkeeper Skills Training
Goalkeepers are the last line of defense and their success is dependent on their skills and concentration which come with extensive training. Although they have a huge impact on the game, goalkeepers are often neglected when it comes to training. The off-season is a great time for goalkeepers to work on their skills and improve their game. Off-season goalkeeper training should include additional:
- Strength training
- Agility training
- Speed training
- Reflexes training
- Footwork drills
- Footwork exercises
Training during the off season allows goalkeepers to work on technique and skills in a controlled environment. Goalkeepers may also use this time to correct bad habits that were picked up during the season. Some of these goals include:
- Strengthening weak areas like shoulders, hips, quadricepts and other muscle groups
- Restoring imbalances in the body to help maintain good posture
- Maintaining cardio and fitness

Basic Goalkeeper Equipment
In addition to the important skills that adult goalkeepers must develop and maintain, goalkeeper equipment is very important as well. Goalkeeper equipment helps protect the goalie while performing at their best. In order to be the best goalkeeper, you need the best goalkeeper gear. This basic equipment includes goalie gloves, shin guards, and a pair of soccer shoes. Goalkeeper gloves are used to protect your hands from injury and from being burned by the ball when it is shot at high speeds. Shin guards help protect your shins from getting injured by kicks or collisions with other players on the field. These were made mandatory by FIFA for all soccer players. Soccer shoes are typically made of leather and/or plastic with different styles and cleats depending on the type of soccer played, playing surface and conditions of the soccer field.
Soccer Goalkeeper equipment is important for a goalie’s safety , performance, and well-being. Goalkeeper gloves are an important piece of goalkeeper equipment because they help to protect the hands of the player. Goalie gloves allow goalkeepers to grip the ball more effectively and also protects their hands from potential injury.
Soccer shoes are primarily made up of leather or plastic with different levels of cleats depending on the conditions of the field. Soccer shoes are important because they help to protect your feet from injury and also provide traction when running from or chasing a ball.
In addition to the basic goalkeeper gear, goalkeepers may also choose to wear padded undershorts, pants, jerseys or head guards for added protection. These really help soften the blow from all the diving in your adult years. If the sun is severely affecting their vision, goalkeepers may also wear a baseball cap as well.
Basic goalkeeper skills are crucial for every soccer goalie at every level. Nonetheless, some of these skills are harder to develop and maintain as adult players. The off-season is a great way to continue to develop and maintain these crucial skills so you can enjoy goalkeeping well into your more senior years.
In addition to the skills and training to keep you in top form, good quality equipment will protect you and help you excel as an adult goalkeeper.
If you are an adult recreational or semi-professional goalkeeper, list yourself today on Subsneeded. List and showoff your skills, set your availability and take bookings from teams desperately looking for a goalkeeper. Ensure you charge a fee as well. You are in huge demand and extremely valuable to any competitive team looking to win!
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